And More Sharings
"Jimmy has been my velcro pup since the day we went to pick him up from the breeder. He flew into my arms from across the room when the breeder brought him to us. He knew he was to come with us before he even knew us.
He is a very happy pup full of energy. Things started to go downhill for Jimmy in October 2019 when he had his first pancreatic attack. He was in the ER for 4 days. Then he had 3 more flare-ups in the next 2 months. Each once getting worse with a longer time in the ER. They did not know if he would survive that last major flare-up. I did everything the vets told me to do. Fed him the prescription food and gave him all the meds.
He continued to have flare-ups for the next year and a half. We tried different prescription foods and even had a recipe "built" for him from a nutritionist vet. But he continued to have attacks. He eventually became diabetic and developed EPI from all the flare-ups. He even started to have seizures. After an MRI didn't show anything, they added yet another med and sent him home.
I was getting frustrated with the medical field and started to look elsewhere. Then a friend told me about Joanna and that felt right from the beginning. I had used animal communicators in the past and even took classes to learn. But I always felt they were just telling me what I wanted to hear. I thought I would give Joanna a try.
Jimmy started to attend healing Circles and had his own personal healing time with Joanna every week. Being with him every minute of every day, I did not see any changes at first. But my friends who only see Jimmy once in a while all started to mention how well Jimmy was looking and that he was acting like a puppy again. That is when I stepped back and noticed the changes in Jimmy. He was acting like a puppy again! His flare-ups were getting further apart with less severity. His coat was starting to get its shine back and he looked great for a 9 year old pup. No grey muzzle for this ole man.
One day when I was taking a break from my chores, I was sitting in the back yard enjoying all our animals with Jimmy laying next to me, napping. Everything was peaceful and pretty quiet for having so many chickens and ducks around us. Just then, Jimmy woke up from his nap and just stared into the field next to us. I looked and did not see anything. I called Jimmy and he did not move a muscle. I called him a couple more times and started to get scared. I thought he was going to have another seizure. But then Jimmy just looked at me with a big smile and got real excited and started to run around playing with his sister. I made a note of the time as a habit of watching him. Then I got an update email from Joanna about Jimmy's circle that day. I asked her the time and it was the same time as when Jimmy looked into the field!
Jimmy has had a rough few years with a lot of ups and downs. But with Joanna
helping Jimmy, he gets over his ailments so much quicker than a 9 year old Rottie
would normally. I can tell when he sees Joanna. He will be sleepy for a few hours
and then awakens with a burst of energy and a bounce in his step. I am so thankful
I was introduced to Joanna. She is letting us have our Jimmy for more time to love
and spoil him."
- Wendy Niccoli, Ypsilanti, MI

"Simon has changed since our session. Today he started sitting on my lap. He is there right now! It's as if he wanted to do this and our session yesterday gave him permission to do it. I am amazed at his transformation.
There are distinct changes in how he relates to me. First and foremost, he spends more time inside. And when he is outside and he's not ready to come in, I know he will come in when he's ready. Before I would try to corral him. Now he will come and sit in front of the patio door when he's ready. All I have to do is open the door and he comes in.
He seems to know that we understand each other and spends more time being close to me.
Thank you from Sadie, Simon and me"
- De Richards, Crofton, MD
"My Bugsby. A couple of years ago, I brought Bugsby to the ER when he was not able to keep food down and just seemed to be really sick. The exam revealed that he had what appeared to be lymphoma. It was an early diagnosis and I gave him the medicine they prescribed and he was better for a long time.
When he started getting sick again, I brought him back to the hospital. They told me he had a pervasive cancer and that chemo might help him. At the end of the seven month protocol, he was clearly better. He gained weight and was running around like there was never anything wrong with him. My little Bugsby was back.
Three years after the chemo, he started getting sick again. His cancer had come back. The oncologist told me he needed a different type chemo treatment and we had to go back once every three weeks for an injection.
When I met Joanna, Bugsby was snapping at me, biting me, and wanted to be alone, away from my other cats and away from me. Joanna worked with him every day at the beginning and he began to stop biting. He seemed more peaceful and was much calmer.
I worked with Joanna and decided that if the cancer came back, it was time for him to move on. Eventually, it did come back and Joanna helped him make the decision to let go.
I am forever grateful to Joanna for giving Bugsby a longer more peaceful life. I love my little man Bugsby and remember him fondly. He was feisty and spirited and the most loving cat. I miss him so much but I know it was his time. I will be forever grateful to Joanna who helped us both through an incredibly sad time."
- Gail Kaplan, Boston, MA

"I utilized Joanna's healing and communication skills to help in the recovery of my Aussie Seamus who had undergone a total hip replacement (read about Seamus here).
This summer, I once again came back to Joanna to help with my current Aussie, Jasper, a lovely sweet rescue boy who has major fear and past trauma issues which affect the way he interacts with the world in general and with my partner Nelson.
Jasper has been fearful and avoidant of Nelson most of the time, leaving me to be the only one who could give him walks and interact with him at close range. In summer, I found out that I was going to have to have a shoulder replacement. I would be unable to give Jasper walks for at least 2 months. This was obviously of great concern so I once again reached out to Joanna to see about communicating to Jasper what was going to transpire.
Joanna had a communication with him which helped Nelson and me understand where some of his fear and trauma issues may have been coming from. After the session, we noticed a marked difference in Jasper: he actually began to interact a bit more with Nelson and you could see that he was trying to overcome the blocks he had toward him.
We then had a series of healing sessions about once a week for Jasper. Jasper got to where he would allow Nelson to take him for a walk as long as I was along and put the harness and leash on him. As the surgery date approached, Joanna began informing Jasper what was going to be transpiring and how he was going to have to depend upon Nelson for much of his care.
On the day of surgery, we were not at all certain if Jasper would let Nelson give him a walk. However, later that day, Nelson made the attempt to put the leash on Jasper. To his amazement, Jasper hopped up on the sofa and allowed him to snap on the leash, open the front door, and take him for a walk.
The progress which burst forth that day has continued for the past two months. Even though Jasper's path to wholeness and connection can have temporary changes of direction at times, overall he is vastly more comfortable with Nelson. Thank you so much Joanna for helping Jasper open up, become more at ease with the world, and get further down the path of truly connecting with the essence of who he is."
– Martha Geissler, Charlotte, N.C.
"He Bites!!!!!!!
Oh my gosh, I’ve had cats since I was two years old and NEVER EVER had one that bites! He is also crazy affectionate. I had tried everything and this beautiful, adorable, powder-puff soft, energetic, confident beast never backed down. Wow, that really blew my doors off. Who was this ten-pound guy with the humongous spirit and extremely sharp teeth? More importantly what happened to him or that he was afraid enough to try to protect himself?? What should I do – what could I do?
Lorenzo and I found each other in October of 2019. He was barely nine weeks old and was naturally in shock over his new surroundings moving from Florida to New York. We snuggled and played and he continued to be sweet and loving but also at times very aggressive.
That’s when one of my oldest and dearest friends told me to call Joanna. I was like “ok, she speaks cat so that’s gotta be good!” I called and Joanna taught us both to listen to each other and respect the space. Joanna taught me how to see what we already had.
Joanna showed me how to cherish every second of Lorenzo’s affection and let him have the space he needs. Who’d have thought some of it was my issue? I’m no longer “up his business” all the time and in return, he doesn’t feel the need to be quite so ferociously engaged. I guess we’ve both mellowed. Lorenzo still goes for me but not that often and when he does it’s much gentler and playful. I’m just lucky that I have a tremendously smart cat, friend, and guide. I am grateful and thankful."
- Lydia Leeds, New York, NY

"I have been working with Joanna both as a guide in animal communication and a support for my relationship with both of my beloved felines who have now transitioned, Maya and Luna. In our communications with Joanna, she provided the heart-opening and centeredness I needed to be the best I can be to these girls in their health and in their journey’s end on the planet. I cannot be grateful enough for Joanna’s deep care and kindness.
In my opening to a new feline friend, Jasmine, I of course contacted Joanna to connect
our hearts deeper so Jasmine and I could start in a place as one and in wholeness and
joy together. Jasmine is an incredible full-of-life being who I take paddle boarding,
on bike rides, and into the forest to climb trees.
I've never been able to communicate with another feline as clearly as we do, it's a dream come true. We also enjoy communing with the earth in stillness, listening to the sounds of crickets, frogs, the wind, and soaking in the smells of nature. I am excited to learn from her and grow. Joanna is always a part of my feline family, and in sickness and health, teaches me to stay in the heart."
- Tara Muenz, PA