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Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
May 10, 2023
A Tremble Of Uncertainty
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, It seems that we are being asked more and more to discover what is needed to create greater healing in...

Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Feb 8, 2023
Get Up Off The Floor
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, My friend and colleague, Bruce Bell- we both taught at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing- wrote this...

Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
May 4, 2022
Befriending Change
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, These times seem to be thrusting us into change, often quite dramatically. Here's what Craig Hamilton,...

Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Jan 27, 2021
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, One thing that these extremely challenging times have been showing us is that everything we say and do- all...

Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Aug 12, 2020
Shifting Our Point Of View
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, It seems more important that ever that we, as a human species, make radical changes. The landscape of our...

Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Nov 25, 2019
In A Name
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, I was talking with a friend the other day about how it is coming to be understood (by science) that mother...

Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Aug 7, 2019
Trusting In Nature
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, I find myself taken with summer this year. Deeply appreciating the fullness, richness, beauty of Nature...

Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Apr 3, 2019
Always Changing
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, It's April and spring is (just about) here! In the East, we have been on a very slow and chilly walk out of...

Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Aug 22, 2018
From One Heart
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, A dear friend of mine recently lost her feline beloved. Needless to say, her heart was very tender. Before...

Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Apr 27, 2016
Remembering Reawakening Evolving
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, Green, green, green...and splashes of pure pastel. What a fabulous time of year here in the Northeast....

Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Jan 6, 2016
Ever-New Possibilities
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, Joyous blessings to you in the new year! The new year. We look to this moment not only as a marker in our...
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