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Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Oct 25, 2023
Peace At Last
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, One morning last week, as I passed by this charming photo of my beloved Shanti on the bureau, I felt...
Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Jul 12, 2023
Unlimited Potential
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, A friend recently shared this writing from Vimala Thakar, a Eastern Indian philosopher, social activist...
Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Apr 5, 2023
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, In this wonderful poem, Carrie Newcomer invites us into seeing who we truly are- what we are all born with...
Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Feb 22, 2023
Boundless Heart Spiritual Heart
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, When we read the news of our world, we may often feel completely overwhelmed with thoughts and emotions....
Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Aug 24, 2022
Not Everything Is Lost
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, This is a story of hope that demonstrates the beauty of our true human nature. By Naomi Shihab Nye, from...
Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Jul 13, 2022
Believe In Love
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, Some days, perhaps even many, our lives/our world may appear to be devoid of love. And we may be at a loss...
Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Jan 12, 2022
Peace Within
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, As we walk into the new year, our greatest wish and the prayer of our hearts is for peace on earth....
Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Aug 4, 2021
Our Surrender
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, A dear friend and I were having a lovely long conversation about her new young feline family member who...
Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Jun 22, 2021
Taj Of The Perfect Heart
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, Taj, my beloved of beloveds, has departed this earth. An enormous Spirit of brilliance, intelligence, and...
Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
May 12, 2021
Bee Aware
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, As I walked out onto my patio the other day, a bumble bee came right up to my face to say hello and kissed...
Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
May 5, 2021
Inner Service
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, I was reading an article the other day and this quote from Albert Schweitzer was highlighted: “One thing I...
Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Nov 23, 2020
Bowing in Reverence
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, Given what we all have gone through these past eight months- and continue to go through- most likely we do...
Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Oct 7, 2020
In Empathy, In Tonglen
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, In this newsletter two weeks ago, the focus of the writing was about the Spiritual Heart. The Boundless,...
Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Sep 23, 2020
The Spiritual Heart
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, In the midst of these extraordinarily challenging times, there is also so much kindness and care being...
Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Jul 22, 2020
When One Leaves
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, Over the past two weeks, three extraordinary Spirit to Spirit animals have passed. Last week, (feline)...
Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Jun 3, 2020
Complete Effort/No Effort
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, I just finished participating in a 4 day virtual retreat led by meditation teacher Jeff Carreira. Jeff...
Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
May 27, 2020
Eager-Easeful Attentiveness
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, I was taking a walk in my neighborhood the other day. Coming toward me was a stunning husky, walking...
Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Apr 1, 2020
Balance in Being
We continue to sit. As individuals, families, communities, as one global humanity... in crisis. As the days go on, the unknown seems to be o
Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Aug 21, 2019
Accepting What Is
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, I was thinking about animals, as I so often do. Domestic and wild. I was thinking about their exquisite...
Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Jul 24, 2019
In Deeper Awareness
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, Here in New York, we have just come through a very intense heat wave followed by a deluge of fierce rain...
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