Kenji: The First Healing Miracle Through Joanna
By Katherine Cook, New York, NY (1984)
My wonderful cat Kenji, who was 10 at the time, became ill. He lost weight, refused food, vomited, and turned yellow. When I took him to the vet, they said that he was suffering from a liver-related problem and wanted to do exploratory surgery.
I agreed to the surgery. Upon opening him up, they found a huge tumor ready to hemorrhage blocking his bile duct. The tumor was inoperable. They telephoned me requesting permission to put him to sleep right there on the operating table since they felt that there was no hope for him. Fortunately, I wasn’t home to receive the call. They closed him up and told me that if he ate a little, I could take him home for whatever brief period of time we might have together. He did, so I brought him home.
I called my friend Joanna-who was in training as a spiritual healer- and she began spiritual healing sessions for Kenji right away. Kenji received healings three times a week. He was remarkable to watch! His color began to change from yellow to pink, his appetite grew (as did his belly!), and he began to look and act like his old self. After four weeks of healings, Kenji was the picture of health. I never took him back to the vet to check on his situation because I fully believe what I see which is a very healthy and happy cat.
It is now over two years since Kenji was diagnosed with an imminently fatal illness. I feel extremely grateful and blessed that through Joanna’s gift of spiritual healing my very special friend could heal and continue to be part of my life.
Kenji’s tumor never returned. He lived to a ripe old age.