taught at...
Columbia University, Teachers College- Masters Program, Spirituality Mind Body Institute, "The Animal-Human Bond"
featured in...
VH1, The Fabulous Life of Celebrity Pets, hosted by Robin Leach
Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), "Pets, Part of the Family: Touching the Soul", with host Gary Burghoff
Fox Cable News, "Pet News", with Brian Kilcommons
5 Live/BBC, "Up all Night", with Richard Evans
Radio & Television of Ireland, "Today Program", with Phillip Boucher-Hayes
Manhattan Neighborhood Television, "Animal Rescue", with Jean Novack
WSAR Radio, "Mornings in the Southeast" with Hec Gauthier & Kevin McGonagle
SPIN RADIO, Dublin, Ireland, "Spin Talk" with Jack and Ali
WTBQ, Florida, NY, "Horse Talk" with June Evers, Chip Watson and Peter Cashman
written about in...
The New York Daily News, "City healer has Animal Magnetism" by Charles W. Bell
The Independent (England), "...now New York dogs get their own psychics" by Davis Usborne
Time Out Magazine (NY), "Psycho Kitty, Qu'est-ce Que C'est?" by Amy Brill
Our Town (NY), "Animal Psychics All the Rage", by Yung-Pei Chen
Albuquerque Journal Magazine (NM), Pet Connection: Four-Legged Family", by Emily Van Cleve
The Warwick Advertiser (NY), "Animal Healer Moves to Warwick"
published in...
The Manhattan Pet House Resident, "Can Spiritual Healing Save a Pet's Life?"
The Manhattan Pet House Resident, "Living with Feline Leukemia"
The Santa Fe Sun (NM), "How Animals Heal"
Petroglyphs (NM), "Spiritual Healing and Animals"
The Ray of Connection (NJ), "Healing through Immanence"
New Earth (MT), "Animals: Our Friends, Teachers and Healers"
Jewish Voice & Herald (RI), "Stress Busting Tips for Animals"
Horse Country (NY), "When It's Time to Call a Healer"

Filming "Pets, Part of the Family", with beloved Blondie