The Miracle of Isaiah
by Donna L. Velez, Founder
Hearts of Gold Pit Rescue
Memphis, Tennessee
Isaiah weighed 43 lbs. the day he came to live with me as my foster dog. A dog his size should weigh 80 lbs. When he arrived, his eyes were cloudy and looked depressed. His front leg was crooked. He had rickets, advanced heartworm, bacterial infections, worms, damaged hearing, old scars and very deformed hips. Terrible separation anxiety. Oh gosh, he had everything imaginable... everything .... plus a broken spirit, totally broken. No response to treats, sweet talk, nothing. He stood motionless like a zombie. He could not be with other dogs because he had no communication skills. The first night he stayed with me was a chiller. I thought I had rescued a blind and deaf dog. In a sense, I had. Seven years old and no social skills whatsoever- none with humans, none with dogs.
Then I contacted Joanna. The first consultation I ever had with Joanna was on July 21, 1998. Although I have witnessed some miracles happen in the dogs she has worked with over the years, none is quite as dramatic as the miracle of Isaiah. She counseled me on every aspect of what it would take on my part to heal this boy. Joanna gave Isaiah weekly healings during the many intense months of his heartworm treatments. And she did healings for him for his hip surgery. Isaiah did so very well in his recovery that instead of the 2 hip surgeries he was supposed to have, he only had to have one!
Joanna also designed a plan for socializing Isaiah and building his tolerance for new situations, people and dogs. It included reading to him, leaving the TV on talk shows, playing music, taking him on drives, walks by the lake, training him on leash, working with him with other dogs, even changing his name from Keller to Isaiah. She guided us step by step for months, supporting him with understanding through communication and healing.
Today, Isaiah is big, strong and very healthy. And he is bonded with me. He loves to get scratched, plays with his Kong balls and tug o rope, chew real bones, and do all the things that a happy dog does. He adores lying on the couch, moving the pillow from side to side, and relaxing in the chair. He is a great foot warmer and will do ANYTHING for a treat. He even greets guests at the front door and plays in the yard. A completely different dog than the one I met two years ago!
And, best of all, Isaiah has a best dog friend, Lemmy. They are inseparable. They take naps together, walks together, share toys, wrestle and play chase. It brings tears to my eyes seeing the love they have for each other.
Isaiah's joyous life today is a miracle. And we have Joanna and Isaiah's indominitable heart and spirit to thank for that. I am very grateful to be part of this miracle as well.
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