Dear Spirit to Spirit friend,
In my work as a spiritual healer, I am frequently blessed to be a vessel for in-the-present-moment miracles in the
lives of animals whom I support.
Let me introduce you to Simon. Very handsome, yes?
Simon's Mom is someone I've known for years and I've supported many of her animal family members. In November, she reached out to me: something was terribly wrong with Simon.
He was eating little, had lost significant weight, his eye was closed and weeping, he seemed to be in pain. When she took him to the vet, the vet said that it was most likely cancer of the eye and advised euthanizing him right away.
Simon's Mom was devastated. She had suffered enormous heart-breaking losses during the previous year and could not bear the thought of having to let Simon go.
We began healings right away- multiple times each week- and kept in touch daily. Tracking Simon's progress, makng sure he was comfortable enough and wanted to continue this healing journey. He responded right away to healing and began to improve.
Simon's Mom took him to an eye specialist who said that there had been a rupture in the eye and that the eye should be removed. She felt hesitant at the thought of Simon undergoing eye surgery at the age of 15 so we continued healings. Overall he kept improving- in attitude, energy, in his way of being in life. He even began deepening his connection with his Mom, resting on her lap for hours at a time and sleeping with her at night.
Some days there were setbacks but they appeared to be temporary and part of the healing process. After six weeks of healing, Simon was doing well and yet the eye was still closing and weeping at times. After talking with the eye specialist's office and being told that there was a chance the eye could rupture again, Simon's Mom decided to go ahead with the surgery.
So we began the process of preparing Simon for surgery. First in deeper communication, helping Simon understand as best as possible what it might be like to go to the hospital, have surgery, and be in recovery afterwards. Then energetically preparing his physical body energy to be in the best position to go through surgery and release the eye easily.
Early on the morning of surgery, I offered Simon a healing to prepare him for what was about to occur. An hour later, I received an email from Simon's Mom. The eye specialist looked at Simon's eye before taking him in for surgery and said that scar tissue was forming and the eye was healing and THAT THERE WAS NO NEED FOR SURGERY!
We were absolutely thrilled! A miracle was occurring for Simon through spiritual healing and Simon would be able to live comfortably and well without surgery.
Yes, he will continue to receive healings. Yes, his eye will need to be monitored in case there are any changes. And YES! Simon will be at home living his best life.
In an email from his Mom last week, she said that Simon was running around their home bouncing around like a youngster!
For me, personally. I bow before the Great Mystery, That from which the unexpected, all possibilities, and miracles emerge. I am deeply honored to have the privilege of being a vessel for a miracle to come through for another.
And my prayer for us all: in this New Year, may this be the time that miracles that inspire emerge everywhere in our lives and in our world. May the Great Mystery open us all to receive them.
In Gratitude & Love, Joanna