Dear Spirit to Spirit friend,
Last summer, when I was posting all the pieces I had written for my newsletters to my blog, I found myself wondering: "Where is the story of Artemis?" I looked through all the writings in my files and it wasn't there.
It was clear that this encounter occurred- and the story was written- prior to 2016 and so was not saved. And yet, it is as vibrant in my mind, senses, body, energy as if
it happened today.
I sat down to write it again and the writing happened quite spontaneously, all on its own, as if the story itself knew what it wanted to say.
And so, to start off the New Year, I'd like to share with you a heart-warming story about a beautiful being and the touching encounter that ensued. This is the story of Artemis.
"It was a very cold harsh winter's day. Big snow on the ground. I was in my home office and suddenly I felt an energy drawing me toward the dining room window. When I got there and looked outside, standing in the snow covered area in front of my car was a
young deer. Head bowed. Looking thin and depleted.
Immediately I raced into action. I went into my kitchen and gathered all the deer-worthy food I could find. Vegetables, bread, and bird seed. I took one of my horse feed bowls and placed the bounty of food in it. I went outside.
I began talking very softly to this young deer, reassuring him that I was here to help, moving ever so slowly and quietly toward him. He stood there, looking deeply into my eyes, not breaking eye contact. He let me come within a couple of feet of him. I placed the bowl of food down and then stepped away, keeping my energy soft and gentle.
He looked at the bowl, looked at me, and then went to it and began to eat. He devoured everything. When he was finished, he looked at me again, turned, and slowly
meandered away.
I went back into my office to continue with the day's healings. I kept feeling him during healings, his presence palpable in the healing space. I acknowledged his presence, inviting him (as I always do with those who "show up" needing healing) to rest in the healing field and receive whatever he needs. I went about my day.
The next day, at exactly 4 p.m., as I sat down and began to come into stillness for the next healing, I heard a voice say "Artemis is here!"
I quickly realized that this was the name of the deer. I found myself running to the window. And there he was in the middle of my backyard. I opened the window and called to him- "Artemis!!!" He looked up at me.
I went downstairs and quietly walked to the edge of my backyard. Softly I called his name. He walked several steps toward me, keeping eye contact the entire time.
At the right distance for deer and human, he stopped, still keeping eye contact and a deep energetic connection with me. He felt strong, full in his body, vital. Very different than how he had felt the day before. My heart was overflowing with joy and love at the sight of him. I realized that he came here to thank me and to show me that he was well and able to go on with his life as a deer.
After a few minutes, he turned and pranced away, leaping in the snow, tail high. A gorgeous sight to behold!
I never saw Artemis again.
I will always cherish the precious moments Artemis and I had together. I am honored that he reached out energetically and called to me so that I could assist him. That he came to find me when he was in need of support. He only needed a bowl of food and some healing and he was ready to fully engage in life again."
May it be a long and beautiful life Artemis!
In Gratitude & Love, Joanna