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Ever Emerging Newness

Writer's picture: Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual HealingJoanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing

Dear Spirit to Spirit friend,

Even though we are in the heart of winter, and everything around us still shouts of the hunkering down/going inward we spoke of last time, there is "something", isn't there- something very intangibly tangible that seems to be pushing us toward..... something new.

A newness that is underneath, in the current below, that is readying itself for its great emergence. We see it/feel it in the increased amount of light each day and as a bubbling deep down under- in nature and in us.

There is an excitement to it. It feels abundant in possibility.

Nature is a continual source of emerging newness- in every season, each day and night, in every moment. Although she has great bursts of extraordinarily newness- like the explosion of spring- we can see that in actuality Nature is actually birthing herself anew in each and every second.

And so too that is true of us....and of our animal family members. Can we recognize that continual emergence of the new is our natural condition, our natural state, our natural flow? Nature's, ours, our animal family members, all life.

Do we allow ourselves to see and experience the unfolding of the new in ourselves and in our animal family? The living, breathing, brand newness that we all are moment by moment, day by day?

Imagine who/how we would all be, what life would be, if we all show up "new" in ourselves and with each other. Can we imagine how our animals would respond to us if we see them as a surprising new unfolding of themselves. We all would be the most gorgeously flowing expressions of who we are, fresh in our sense of self and fresh in how we are in life.

This is who we all truly are, if we allow ourselves to be. It's incredible to imagine who we can all be if we embrace the true nature of our ever emerging newness.

In Gratitude & Love, Joanna


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