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Jaya: The Great Becoming

Writer's picture: Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual HealingJoanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing

Dear Spirit to Spirit friend,

Jaya, my dearest beloved of beloveds,

has transitioned from his earth life.

An extraordinary being of soft heart,

pure soul. Exquisitely sensitive, sweet,

and deeply loving.

It all began with Jaya. When I was instructed by Shiva (after her passing) that in 30 days I was to bring in new feline family members (up to 3), the intention I sent

into the field of feline energy was:

"My home is open to whoever chooses to come into it.

Just make yourself known to me."

I began visits to the humane society. I walked into every area where cats lived, from areas

of enclosures to the sunroom that housed 25 cats. Cats came forward and connected...

and then stepped back. I noticed and waited.

On my 4th visit to the humane society, I walked into the sunroom and there, directly in

front of me, lounging on a bed, was "Jingle." I'd not seen him before. His piercingly

bright green eyes grabbed mine, holding strong contact, not letting go.

"Is it you???!!!" It was clear that it was. He had chosen. He was the one.

I was told that "Jingle" is incredibly shy. So, the next day, before I went back to the

humane society, I sent out a message:

"Whoever would like to come with "Jingle" into this home and help him feel more comfortable... please show yourself."

The next day, I walked into the sunroom and there was Jingle-to-be-Jaya lounging on

the bed. Taj, who was a greeter in the sunroom, suddenly jumped up on Jaya's bed,

lay down behind him and spooned him, paws wrapped completely around him.

For sure Taj: it is clearly you.

As I was walking out of the cat area, from a large enclosure that housed kittens, a white

paw grabbed me. When I took the youngster out, he wrapped both front legs around my

neck and held on tight. That was Bodhi. The family was complete. (Bodhi tragically left

us in the first year of our being together).

It was clear that "Jingle" needed a new name that not only reflected who he is but also

who he is to become. The name Jaya appeard in a minute and the first time I called

him Jaya, he looked directly at me. Jaya knew: that's who he truly is.

Jaya in Sanskrit is a feminine name of God. It means victory, victorious. Jai is the

masculine for victory, triumph. It is used to hail someone in praise and admiration.

This felt so fitting for Jaya. He is on a journey of becoming the victorious one in his life.

And that's what he did. With Taj supporting him every step of the way and a soft

healing environment, Jaya became more and more who he truly is. Deeply loving and

kind, caring and compassionate. Courageous and... adorable. A soul of deep presence.

He stepped through his shyness in every way becoming a strong telepathic and vocal communicator. From a no-touch policy, he became a lap cat who relished long lap naps

and deep stroking.

Jaya loved being in the energy of meditation and spiritual study. For years, every time I was on a Zoom class or in a meditation program, Jaya positioned himself in front of the monitor, either upright and temple cat-like or lying down in front in deep rest. His favorite teacher is Adyashanti and Jaya never missed a program. It takes a wise one to know such a wise teacher.

What is especially touching about Jaya is his relationship with Taj. She adored him and

he her. She loved sleeping as close to her brother as possible in cat beds too tiny for two,

even if it meant that she was on top of him. Not his favorite thing but because he adored her- after he scoweld at her and gently nipped her ear- he settled in with her for long luscious cuddling naps.

After Taj passed 13 months ago, Jaya stepped into his next great new becoming.

Adopting some of Taj's behaviors, he filled the energy of the home with his unique

presence. And he began developing his own new ways of connecting. He became even

more vocal, instructing me loudly at least four times a day that I needed to urgently

meet him on the couch for lap time. Sometimes only for a few minutes, sometimes longer.

My heart is overflowing in deepest gratitude and love for the preciousness of this being

called Jaya. For Jaya- the one who knew and chose. For Jaya- the one who gathered

our family together. Always and forever, Jaya, you live in my heart and soul.

Bowing to the magnificence that is Jaya.

OM Jai!... Jaya OM.

In Gratitude & Love, Joanna


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