Dear Spirit to Spirit friend,
This beautiful writing by Adyashanti is from his book "Emptiness Dancing".
May it touch you as it did me.
"Take a moment to check and see if you are actually here.
Before there is right and wrong, we are just here.
Before there is good or bad, or unworthy, and before there is the sinner or saint, we are
just here.
Just meet here, where silence is, where Stillness inside dances.
Just here, before knowing something, or not knowing.
Just meet here where all points of view merge into one point, and the one point disappears.
Just see if you can meet right now where you touch the Eternal, and feel the Eternal living and dying in each moment.
Just meet here, before you were an expert, before you were a beginner.
To just be here, where you are what you always will be, where you will never add anything to this or subtract anything.
Meet here, where you want nothing, and where you are nothing. The here that is unspeakable. Where we meet only mystery to mystery, or we don't meet at all.
Meet here where you find yourself by not finding yourself. In this place where quietness is deafening, and the Stillness moves too fast to catch it.
Meet here where you are what you want and you want what you are and everything falls away into radiant Emptiness."
In Gratitude & Love, Joanna