Dear Spirit to Spirit friend,
As promised in the last newsletter, here are more healing highlights of the many precious animals who are part of the Spirit to Spirit community. It is amazing to look back and remember how many lovely ones have become more themselves, have found healing in different ways... how many lives have changed.
Jon Snow: healing focus: big youthful energy, overwhelming for his brother
Diana (Lucky's mom too- see last newsletter) sent this:
"Jon Snow has literally changed his whole demeanor since experiencing healings and Circle healings. Jon, who is a 7 month old kitten, is full of kitten energy and loves to play! However, his play was often in the form of roughhousing- jumping on and biting- Lucky, who went into heart failure (at 6 years old). So although Jon's kitten energy was normal, it was too much for Lucky.
We no longer have to keep the cats separated since Jon has been receiving healings! Jon still loves to play and be with his big brother, but it's so much more controlled and easier for Lucky's heart. Now we all say to Jon, "Are you being sweetness?!" Because it's amazing how sweet, cuddly and affectionate he's become! He loves being with the whole family and will head bop each of us, without a follow-up attempt to bite our cheeks (usually!). It's so nice getting sleep at night because we can now leave the door open and the cats roam freely (rather than waking us at 2 am, meowing to get in our out). Thank you so much Joanna!"
Spunky: surgery for enormous ear polyp
Sina shared these 2 updates:
"The surgeon did not have to do sedation to remove Spunky's stitches and drain tube (very big achievement for her), Said she was a good girl and responded well to the touch. Said healing is much much better than expected a week after surgery. "
"Spunky had her second recheck at the surgeon. Good report. He says again he hasn't seen a cat recover from a Ventral Bulla Osteotomy surgery so well and so soon. Didn't have to sedate her. Her ear and the neck incisions look good and Horner's symptoms almost gone!"
Goose: (parrot) recovering from a brain event
Suzie emailed this:
"The little guy is doing really well. I think his confidence has taken a real leap forward! We now take him out of the cage by telling him to step up onto our fingers. Goose is able to do it and balance himself. His gripping of his legs is getting stronger and this is empowering!"
Spotty: new family member (communication with him before his adoption)
Sharon & Rich sent these 2 updates:
"Spotty is great! It was like they (other canine family members) knew he was the new pack member right away. Spotty is very sweet, gave us kisses. He explored the house and went on a walk with Cinnamon which went fine, then fell asleep in one of the crates. Everything just went smoothly.
And: Spotty is getting along seamlessly with the others. All the dogs love him. All is quiet and calm. By the way, he wants to do another communication! Told us he likes you and liked the whole experience."
Very sweet, yes? I hope that these stories of healing moved you as much as they move me.
In Gratitude & Love, Joanna