Dear Spirit to Spirit friend,
In this season of remembering and embodying joy, love, kindness, and
peace in even greater ways, may we
also continue to walk our human
journey in the awareness of who we
truly are in all of our complexity.
The Infinite in human form.
"Mud of the Moment" by Danna Faulds
Truth lives in the mud
Of this moment. It exists
In the messy interplay
Of emotions and relationship,
In the personality traits
I’d rather leave behind.
To experience truth
Doesn’t take sainthood,
Or dissolving my desires.
It requires diving into
The muck and mire of
What’s here, feeling
The anxiety or fear,
Knowing the entirety
Of me without hiding
From the shadows or
From light.
Choosing to be whole,
Awareness makes the
Leap to see that I am
Truth – always was,
And always will be –
The radiant singularity,
The infinite in human
Form. The lotus never
Blooms without
Sinking roots in mud.
Always, in Gratitude & Love, Joanna