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They Open Us

Writer: Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual HealingJoanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing

Dear Spirit to Spirit friend,

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." ---Anatole France

If you live with an animal- or have ever lived with one- or have felt deeply connected with animals in nature- you are most likely reading this quote and nodding, feeling inside yourself the truth of this statement. In being with an animal, in allowing ourselves to open to him/her, something shifts inside us. Something we cannot name in words, something through the heart, something of the Soul. Something that feels different from what we experience in many of our relationships with other human beings.

What is that?...What is so different in our relationship with animals that a profound shift occurs in us.

We might say it is because of our animal's exquisite physical beauty, uniquely charming personality, kind heart, or willingness to love us no matter what. And yet... there is something else. Something deeper.

What we are sensing... is how animals are such beautiful authentic expressions- not only of who they are as individuals- but also of who they Spirit, as Unconditional Love.

They shine as the Greater Love that is their nature...and our nature as well. It is just natural for them to do that. As they touch us as Unconditional Love, in Unconditional Love, we are able to sense the deeper aspect of our own nature and our interconnectedness- with them and with all life.

The One Beingness that we are. The One Love that we are, without separation.

This awakening of the Soul. An extraordinary gift we are given by animals, who- just by being who they are- shower us in Unconditional Love, reminding us of who and what we all truly are.

By shining their Light upon us, we get to know ourselves- and them- deeply, as the One Great Love that we all are, the One Great Love that is.

In Gratitude & Love, Joanna


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