Dear Spirit to Spirit friend,
Continuing the theme of weaving from two weeks ago. This poem,"When Things Fall Apart", is by Carrie Newcomer. It beautifully speaks to the time we are living in.
"I stepped out of my car
With arms full of groceries,
Carrots and potatoes,
Broccoli and onions.
A sack of ordinary things.
Just then, high overhead,
Came wave upon wave
Of migrating sandhill crane.
They were elegant and determined,
Calling to one another,
Across the clear December sky.
While I was watching,
A great number released themselves from formation.
They opened and gathered,
Hovered and honked,
Blossoming like spilled ink in blude water,
Skating randomly around like Jesus bugs on a pond.
And then, without any apparent reason
That could be seen from the ground,
They remembered and returned,
Realigned and regained direction.
Catching and attending
To the calling
Of a common commitment
To the pusle of a shared heartbeat
Recreating their connections
Washing forward wing to wing to wing.
Sometimes things come together.
And we don't know why.
Maybe the wind shifted
Or the light changed.
Maybe it was a bit of courage
Or a moment of clarity.
Maybe the eternal called
Or an internal clock chimed.
All I know is that somewhere,
Something keeps weaving.
Creating whole cloth
From what seems hopelessly unraveled.
Something keeps nudging our hearts
In the right direction,
Pulling the threads
Of membership
Of kinship
Of connection
Mending the gaps
Wing to wing to wing
In Gratitude & Love, Joanna