Hilda & Reba, Soul Sisters
by Marilyn Young, Somers, NY
When Hilda and I found Joanna, we entered into one of the most beautiful of spiritual experiences. Beginning with an in-depth “discussion” about her anxiety and fear, followed by telepathic healing sessions, Hilda revealed depths to her spirit that were astounding to me – depths that showed how she was overcoming her challenges and misfortunes.
Joanna suggested she become part of the “Healing Circles” once or twice a month. I agreed, not fathoming what might ensue. The Circles opened Hilda even more, and she showed me, Joanna, and the others in the Circles the breadth of her spirit. With Joanna’s expert tutelage and mid-wifery, Hilda was able to come into her own, healing herself, and acting as a beacon for the others in Circle to heal as well.
I was humbled in awe of her growth and accomplishment. My “fearful” dog had a healing spirit the size of Mt. Rushmore! The entire experience of the Circles, astounding as they were, did not prepare me for the time when Hilda unexpectedly expired. The outpouring of love from the Circles of her telepathic friends, as well as their parents, was jaw dropping. It was a critical salve for the gut-wrenching loss of my soul-mate. “They all bowed down to Hilda in memory and gratitude.” How is it possible that this dog – who came to me from the shelter, afraid and abused – would emerge as a “healer” for herself and others?
I, of course, have been the recipient of the majority of Hilda’s healing energies. And, she led me onto a spiritual path that I never even knew existed. She led me to Joanna and her incredible facility for plunging to the depths and coaxing out the jewels beneath the surface – the healing energies that make us whole. I am forever grateful to Joanna for helping Hilda emerge into the being she was meant to be – and to Hilda for showing me the way to my own spiritual unfoldment.
After Hilda passed, I returned to the shelter to help her spread her healing energies to those residing there. I did so – not knowing that Hilda had other things in mind besides healing the residents. More healing for me was to come. A surrogate for Hilda was waiting in the wings.
And then…Reba
She was fierce – snarling, growling, cowering, lunging. Few could approach her – few could walk her. The staff did love her and suggested I get to know her. No way! I proceeded to calmer, safer dogs. I was still reeling from the loss of my soul-mate, Hilda– a rescue from this same shelter – and I needed to take baby steps to get back into walking dogs again. As the weeks progressed, I passed by her pen over and over. Seeing her, huddled in the corner with her lip turned up in anticipation, my heart trembled. I saw her fear. I felt her pain. What was her story?
She was a stray, her history unknown – four years at the shelter, age 7 (same as my beloved Hilda when I had adopted her 6 years earlier). Hilda had fear and anxiety. With this pup it was extreme. She seemed impossible to know, her armor was intact. Could we help this one? Could we help Reba? Tuning into her fear, I sensed a need. She melted my heart. I would try.
Armed with handfuls of cooked chicken I began. Eventually, with the staff’s help, I was able to leash and walk her. Walking led to car rides. Car rides led to overnights. Until one day I did not want to take her back. I called Joanna to tune in. We asked Reba if she would like to live with me. That was a year ago. Knowing Joanna’s ability to work healing miracles we began regular sessions with Reba and also enrolled her in the “Healing Circles.” Reba blossomed. She now had “friends” she could trust. And, that helped her expand her boundaries in her new environment. She slowly relaxed. She slowly shed her armor. She began to enjoy her surroundings. She began to enjoy her body. She began to smile. And, the healing journey continues. On the days when she has her Circle healing she greets me at the door with enormous exuberance, unable to contain herself – wanting to share the excitement of her new found experience. It brings me to tears. Reba has moved out of her “corner” of fear. She has moved into the world – a world that she feels is safe.
And so our journey began. Joanna’s sensitivity to Reba’s emotional needs was astounding. I remember one session when Reba’s response to why she felt the need to “snarl” was, “approach me with kindness.” The clarity of that revelation was quite profound. And it became our mantra.
The fact that Reba was the recipient of a steady flow of healing energy from Joanna, and the healing circles with the other animals, has had an enormous impact on her. Even her vet has noticed that she seems calmer. I think knowing that she is part of a welcoming, warm, and nurturing group has helped her weather her own emotional storms. It has been wonderful to watch her evolve and unfold.
To say that being able to communicate with Reba, through Joanna, has been a godsend would be an understatement. Steady communication, along with ongoing energy healing sessions for Reba, have kept us both on an even keel and centered. Reba has mellowed and calmed in body and spirit. And my heart is forever grateful.
Reba has also been afflicted with several health issues and Joanna has been able to deftly uncover deep feelings under those issues. Reba seems to be quite comfortable in opening up about both the physical and spiritual components of her life. She has made it perfectly clear to us that she is traveling her own path and is prepared to stay the course. She will let us know when it is time for her to leave. This has been enormously freeing for me to understand and has removed any sense of guilt that I might have felt thinking that I was “holding onto her.” It became clear that my role is to support her on her journey. She has also been a tremendous role model for me. Her courage, stamina, resiliency, patience, and love of life – despite the odds – have kept me going through my own health issues. And so, mutual support defines our life together.
Although we have never physically met, Joanna’s healing presence has had an enormous influence in our lives. With her deeply loving energy she has brought our souls together and shown us that there are no boundaries in a “spirit-to-spirit” connection. Thank you, Joanna. We are humbly and eternally grateful.